C’mon Ceilidh with me!

The Scottish drunk punks from Canada, named The Real McKenzies boarded the stage at the Arena Wien last Friday. And if there’s a great band at the Arena it’s very likely that you find me there (provided I’ve got enough money to afford the train ticket!). And if you find me at a gig, it’s very likely that I’m armed and dangerous with my camera 🙂

It was a fantastic evening with great music and lots of fun! Special thanks to my „bodyguard“ for keeping the beer spilling drunks off my camera.


Ok, here are some of the greatest photos …

… And to finish with the words of the great philosopher Paul McKenzie:

„Well, bugger off, you bastards, bugger off!
You’re like a herd of bloody swine that refuse to leave the trough
You’ll get no more this evening so you better bugger off!“ 

But stay tuned, because more amazing photos will follow! 😉

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