The archives, part II: Bojan

So once again I’ve discovered a whole bunch of great photos in my archive (to be honest, just the first one is a bit older. The rest was taken 4 days ago 😀 ). These photos portrait a crazy Croatian war machine … Bojan!

So here we go:

The „look“, 2008

Exposure time 1/80s
Aperture f 5.6
ISO speed ISO 800

The „look“, 2010

Exposure time 1/125s
Aperture f 5.6
ISO speed ISO 400

As you can see, hair may change but the „look“ stays the same over the years. But Bojan has more than one look. For example the next one …

Exposure time 1/125s
Aperture f 5.6
ISO speed ISO 400

As I said, he’s a war machine. Nothing can stop him and he loves to attack his victims with this look. It’s called „the screaming silverback“. Eventually you already see why I called him „crazy“ … if not, just continue with the next photo (continue anyway!).

Exposure time 1/80s
Aperture f 5.6
ISO speed ISO 400

I think there is no need of further prove. Bojan IS crazy and we all love him. Now I’m going to pack my backpack and emigrate to Chile where he (hopefully) won’t find me …

Wish me luck and stay tuned, maybe I’ll be able to write some more posts before he’s going to eat me 😀

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