I’m sooo sorry for neglecting you for 16 long and lonely days! I was lazy but as a German proverb says: „Laziness is the mother of all progress.“
Dear reader,
I therefor want to present the latest photos to you (which actually don’t really SHOW „progress“ but I’ve never really tried this kind of photo shooting). They are about water droplets in a sink! Shooting droplets is easy and fun and additionally you can experiment with the flash, shutter priority, aperture and so on. Anyway! Here are two photos summing up the „extremes“ of shutter priority …
very short exporure |
Exposure time | 1/250 s |
Aperture | f 5.6 |
looooong exposure |
Exposure time | 5 s |
Aperture | f 22 |
That’s it! Hope you like the photos.
I’m planning to visit Attnang’s derelict cistern on Spitzberg tomorrow if the weather is fine so stay tuned!